Krąg. Zrodzeni w mroku by Silencio

From Book Trigger Warnings
Languages english

Krąg. Zrodzeni w mroku
Cover of Krąg. Zrodzeni w mroku by Silencio
Author(s) Silencio
Published 2021
Publisher Bucketbook
Genre(s) Horror
Magical Realism
Age group Adult

Krąg. Zrodzeni w mroku by Silencio (may be translated as The Circle. Born in The Darkness) is a Polish horror/magical realism novel, originally published in 2021. It is the second book in the Krąg trilogy.

Trigger Warnings

Author-Provided TWs

The following message is placed on the book's front page:

This novel may contain sexual scenes, as well as violence, including sexual violence, references to the use of intoxicating substances and vulgarisms. For this reason, it is intended for an adult audience. (Translation from Polish)


  • Achillean main characters
  • Aromantic asexual main character
  • Transfemme main character
